Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Distance is never an issue for us not to have a solid as rock chemistry. Thousands of miles can be connected by social media networks. It’s not very hard to hear them laugh even from the farthest of the seas. I do miss the times we were together, you know – physically. I know they do call us once in a while but being with them in one place is one heck of a blessing that I personally could be thankful for. I honestly do cherish these moments, moments of spending a week with my dear family and just laugh and cry and wish we could do this forever.

We’ve shared a lot of funniest times together as much as we stick together during the most devastating events in our lives. If only I could turn back time, I wish not to have those sad moments because it, to some extent, made me cry at night.

The following photos were taken during one of our happiest times together a few weeks ago. Though I prefer posting photos of the place, I thought it would be better to post some of our selfie pictures.



I look forward to spending most of my leave credits with them. More in the future, more exciting, real epic.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Cold Heart

Created in February 20, 2012, experimenting. It's not easy to make those snows huh :)
by Shara Jane Falceso

Friday, March 15, 2013

Life is...

Why is it so difficult to be contented with the things you already have? Why is life so complex?

They say life is simple and that you only live once so carpe diem. But how will you enjoy life if the things that could make you happy are out of your reach? I’m not talking of material things per se but the most important thing (next to family of course-because family always comes first) is the way we live, the ways on achieving the life that we wanted. We don’t just need to earn and spend. I’m talking of nothings else but a job or more appropriate to say A CAREER.

Life is ironic.

Yes, you are working full-time in a big company. You feel extremely happy for spending more time working because that would mean an overtime pay.  When pay day comes, you’re one of the people who will definitely run to the mall to buy something for yourself or for someone even if that something isn’t necessary at all. You tend to spend more that saving for your future. A few days after payday you’ll realize you only have few bucks left to spend for your everyday needs. To calm the nerves you’ll say, “It’s okay, I need to reward myself for my hardworks”.

Life is peculiar.

Having a career is rewarding. Especially if someone you work with notices your contribution. Yes, we all work to be successful and be recognized for our commendable performance. Right? You don’t work your a** off 8 hours a day just so you don’t have to consider yourself as part of the growing unemployed population of the country. YOU ARE EMPLOYED. But are you satisfied? Have you asked yourself this question before? What was your answer? 

Life: Pool of secrets

You’ll probably say “yeah, I’m satisfied with my career right now”. But then when you are all alone the question will pop-up your head, echoing and saying “dude be true to yourself, you can’t hide anything from me”. It’s a secret and no one else should know. You even hide it to yourself and don’t try to acknowledge it even if it bothers you sometime. Yes you earn from this but are you happy? If yes, then congratulations! You’ve found YOUR career. It’s really for you if you’re happy with it and can stay with it for the longest time possible.

Life’s essence

Happiness is the keyword here. Without it, you’ll never be satisfied. It’s like living each second everyday with doubts and asking yourself what you really want and makes your career going elsewhere. I didn’t write this to encourage people from leaving their current job. But this is more on learning to assess your current job. Furthermore, to name the reasons that make you stay in your current job. I would like to emphasize that earning should not be your only reason for working but happiness and satisfaction. Paycheck is just secondary (but  ALWAYS comes after the first-you know what I mean). You could even assess your day before going to sleep. “What have you accomplished today?”.

Life’s security.

I would like to encourage you, my dear reader, to NEVER ever give up on chasing for the right career. There’s a lot of time to do that. Never settle into something that you are in doubt, or you are going to live your life in misery. If you’re not happy with your job, then that’s the time to quit. Remember, misery has no place in the process of achieving your goals. Instead, misery serves as hint that you aren’t happy anymore and should think and process everything.  You’ve had enough. You should explore a lot of possibilities to a brighter future with YOUR career.

When you are “in” the right path, you’ll feel secured with everything. Enjoy life the right way with a right career. Obstacles are part of it but those are great way of harnessing your potential to be the best you can be. When sunset comes, you’ll feel accomplished, happy and secured. You’ll be contented with who you are and what you have. Stay positive and motivated. Life is funny ironic, peculiar and sometimes strange. But life is also the chance to give LIFE to your existence. Take risks, always re-evaluate your thoughts. A big break is just waiting for you to hop in. That’s it! I hope you’ll enjoy life to the fullest, soon. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

When he hits the stage

I was inspired to write this blog after the event itself. It usually took a couple of days after the event/activity/meeting before I write the blog for that specific matter that caught my attention. Well here it goes.

Today, February 14, 2013 (Thursday), AJ (stands for Alexander James) my one and only nephew and he’s on the 3rd grade, joined this singing competition in their school (somewhere in Los BaƱos). I was shocked when my brother (AJ’s father) told me that the kid got to the finals which will happen today, yes today. So I was like “really? He does sing?”.  That was my reaction because I thought it wasn’t his thing, you know singing in front of many audiences. So, as a supportive auntie I watched.

“God gave me you” by Bryan White was the song he chose to sing. “Nice song”, I told him. Then he nodded. Seeing him that very moment, man still I can’t believe he’s doing this. :D Anyways, I took a video of the first part of his performance but it took forever for me to upload it. So photos instead of video are posted below. But to remind you, my nephew isn't a professional in this field. That was his first time singing on stage.

The Venue - It looks like a chapel :)

AJ preparing for the contest

AJ during the contest. He's actually singing at that moment.

See, he was very good at the intro. That was his performance and we are very proud of him. At that very young age he faces the crowd with a smile. Hey at least he didn’t cry. I’ll still watch and support him on his future competitions and will forever be grateful that I have a nephew like him.