Thursday, February 14, 2013

When he hits the stage

I was inspired to write this blog after the event itself. It usually took a couple of days after the event/activity/meeting before I write the blog for that specific matter that caught my attention. Well here it goes.

Today, February 14, 2013 (Thursday), AJ (stands for Alexander James) my one and only nephew and he’s on the 3rd grade, joined this singing competition in their school (somewhere in Los BaƱos). I was shocked when my brother (AJ’s father) told me that the kid got to the finals which will happen today, yes today. So I was like “really? He does sing?”.  That was my reaction because I thought it wasn’t his thing, you know singing in front of many audiences. So, as a supportive auntie I watched.

“God gave me you” by Bryan White was the song he chose to sing. “Nice song”, I told him. Then he nodded. Seeing him that very moment, man still I can’t believe he’s doing this. :D Anyways, I took a video of the first part of his performance but it took forever for me to upload it. So photos instead of video are posted below. But to remind you, my nephew isn't a professional in this field. That was his first time singing on stage.

The Venue - It looks like a chapel :)

AJ preparing for the contest

AJ during the contest. He's actually singing at that moment.

See, he was very good at the intro. That was his performance and we are very proud of him. At that very young age he faces the crowd with a smile. Hey at least he didn’t cry. I’ll still watch and support him on his future competitions and will forever be grateful that I have a nephew like him. 

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