Thursday, January 3, 2013

It's definitely over, here comes another one

It's noisy outside
Everyone's laughing, singing, dancing
Lights are everywhere
-in their eyes, in their hearts-

Words of positivity comes spontaneously
From their sometimes negative minds.
I wish they always find happiness that will reflect
-in their eyes, in their hearts-

Greetings are overwhelming
Serious or not, we dont care.
But we do appreciate it if it comes from someone close
-to our hearts-

Apparently they are all happy,
who wouldn't be?
Showing a bright-happy facade,
that's who we are
-we know that in our minds-

Carpe diem, they say.
Seize the day, in other words.
Is there an exemption to this?
I'm thinking
-with my mind over my heart-

Can hardly smile even in this worth celebrating moment.
That's a bad sign, i know.
But i can't fool
-your eyes and my mind-

Alone in a room,
but the noise outside tries to accompany me.
I don't need companion.
I just wanna be alone,
In this dark, cold room of mine.

New year must have come,
But i'm still the old me.
Trying to make every simple thing perfect.
Though it wasn't recognized, even once,
by their
-so simple perfect minds-

A year had pass,
and so are my regrets.
Things that have caused physical, mental and emotional stress
aren't worth even a single frown -now-

I'll still be my old self.
No mentor, have no one to teach me right from wrong,
But knows certainly how this world turns.

I'll continue writing,
until I don't know what to write anymore.
I'll go on with my life and pursue my dreams.
Someday I'll be able to join them outside.
Smile, sing and dance with those positive thinkers.

Oh, I badly need some spirit of optimism here.
Could you send me some?
I’ll give you my address.

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